A cat cable will be included with your Xiegu G90, but you will need to look for one on eBay if you don’t have one. If you have one, connect it to your PC’s USB port via the cat control on the Xiegu G90’s head.
One end of the cable must be connected to the G90’s IQ on the back, and the other end must be connected to the PC’s Line input for it to function. (Do Not Use The Mic INput It Could Damage the Radio’s IQ Port), your PC must have a stereo input. Avoid attempting to use your computer’s microphone input.
You will require a stereo audio adapter or an external sound card with a line input if your computer does not have one (Do Not Use The Mic INput). You can purchase it here on Amazon.
Now lets sync your xiegu G90 to the HDSDR software.
On the HDSDR click Options, then Cat to Radio, and finally click Setup to configure (Omnirig) for the Xiegu g90 on the HDSDR.
Choose IC 756 Pro under Omnirig Rig Type, followed by the Com Port it is utilizing. Check what port your cat cable is using in Device Manager. It won’t function unless you choose the same bandwidth rate as the port. Put the number of stop bites at 1. Put both the DTR and the RTS on low. Set Timeout and Poll Int to 100. Click OK after that.
Hover your cursor over CAT to HDSDR, then select the port that Omnirig is using by clicking on options in your HDSDR once more.
Back in options now Click Swap I and Q channels for RX input after hovering over input channel mode for RX.
Click on RF front-end configuration after returning to the options. Select SDR on If output the Omnirig-controlled output.
Make sure full synchronization in both directions is selected if you want the radio to control the HDSDR and the HDSDR to control the radio. Then click OK.
Back in options, hover over Cat Radio (Omnirig), and select sync rig 1.
That is it. Press start on the HDSDR, and your G90 should be synced and working.
Xiegu G90
The Xiegu G90 is a portable 20W HF amateur radio transceiver with an SDR architecture and a built-in automatic antenna tuner. It is a popular choice for amateur radio operators who are looking for a powerful and versatile radio that is also affordable.